Stephen Bitterolf was born in Caracas, Venezuela. He moved to Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania as a child and has lived both in the U.S. and Europe. He
currently lives and works in Brooklyn. The works in this issue were a
part of his 2005 exhibition Mostly Cloudy, at ZieherSmith in
New York. The drawings also appeared in the group exhibition Radical Vaudeville
at Geoffrey Young Gallery, in Great Barrington, Massachusetts.
Nellie Bridge
Nellie Bridge grew up in Washington State. She earned her MFA from NYU
as a New York Times Fellow, and was recently awarded the Amy Award for
Poetry. Her poems are forthcoming in Rattapallax. She works at
the Authors Guild, where she helps writers build and maintain their own
websites. Work
Frank Fields
Frank Fields hales
from Toad Suck, Arkansas where he spent his childhood aniticipating the
annual Toad Suck Daze Festival.Located on the Arkansas River, this place
was a popular spot for the bargemen to pull over and drink rum and moonshine.
They are said to have "sucked on bottles until they swelled up like
toads." Though not a bargeman, Frank has been known to keep the tradition
alive. This is the first piece Frank has ever shared with anyone, though
he has been writing longer than Methuselah walked the earth. Work
Kevin Gallagher
Kevin Gallagher teaches at Boston University and lives in Gloucester,MA
with his wife and newborn son. His poetry has been published in Harvard
Review, Partisan Review, Green Mountains Review,
LitVert, Jacket, and elsewhere. His recent books are
Putting Development First: The Importance of Policy Space in the WTO,
and Free Trade and the Environment: Mexico, NAFTA, and Beyond.
Steven Gillis
Steven Gillis is the author of the novel The Weight of Nothing (Brook
Street Press,2005) Steve's first novel, Walter Falls, was published
in 2003 and went on to be named a finalist for both the 2003 Book of the
Year for Literary Fiction by ForeWord Magazine and also a finalist
for the Independent Publishers Association 2004 Book of the Year; the
only novel to be named a finalist for both awards. (Water Falls was recently
released in paperback.) Currently at work on a new novel, Temporary
People, Steve's stories, articles and book reviews have appeared
in over a dozen journals, most recently in the new editions of Monkeybicycle,
Orchid and the next Gargoyle. Steve teaches writing
and literature at Eastern Michigan University and is the founder of 826
Michigan, a nonprofit mentoring and tutoring organization for public school
students specializing in reading and writing and a chapter of Dave Eggers'
826 Valencia. http://www.826michigan.org
All author proceeds from Steve's novels go to his 826 Michigan foundation.
Steve lives in Ann Arbor with his wife Mary, and children Anna and Zach.
Jayson Iwen has had
work published in journals such as New American Writing, Clackamas
Literary Review, Fence, The Cream City Review,
Poetry Motel, and Southern Indiana Review, An interview
he conducted with Paul Hoover was recently reprinted in Fables of
Representation, by the University of Michigan Press. He has work
forthcoming in Onthebus, The Marlboro Review, Third
Coast, and REED. Jayson is an Assistant Professor of English
at the American University of Beirut, in Lebanon, where he lives with
his wife and three cats, and where he recently ran his first marathon.
Brett Kell is a writer,
husband, gourmand, and public relations professional. In 2004, he earned
a Master's degree in Management with a paper on corporate social responsibility
in the fast food industry. Brett has contributed to various publications,
websites, and media. His poetry has most recently appeared in Clare,
KNOCK, and Paj Ntaub Voice. Brett is currently assembling
his third chapbook, Nonce Words. He and his wife Lauren live
in Milwaukee, WI. Work
Anastasios Kozaitis
Anastasios Kozaitis
lives in New York City with his wife and son. He has published his poems
and translations in The New Republic, Nedge, LA
Times Book Review, Mantis, VeRT and The Guardian.
A 2002 graduate of the Bennington Writings Seminar, he edits the electronic
poetry service PotD and was one of the founding editors of Compost
magazine. Work
Ernest Loesser
Ernest Loesser is a writer and journalist in New York City. His non-fiction
has appeared in Tokion; in his most recent work, The Fix,
he investigated the underground network of former addicts in New York
and across the US conducting addiction-interruption therapy with the illegal
substance Ibogaine. His fiction has appeared in Anathema and
the High Horse Zeitung published in London. He lives and works
in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Work
Jerry McGuire
Jerry McGuire has
published two books of poems, The Flagpole Dance (Lynx House)
and Vulgar Exhibitions (Eastern Washington University). Much
of his work is poetry, drama, and experimental fiction done in collaboration
with musicians, dancers, and visual artists, and designed for specific
performance environments. He is Director of Creative Writing at the University
of Louisiana at Lafayette.Work
Molly McQuade
Molly McQuade's books
include Barbarism, Stealing Glimpses, An Unsentimental
Education, and By Herself. Her writing has appeared recently
or will soon appear in Southern Review, Parnassus, TriQuarterly,
Jubilat, and the Paris Review. She contributed an essay
about J. D. Salinger's use of parentheses to the recently released anthology,
Letters to J. D. Salinger. Her column, "Works in Progress,"
appears regularly in Booklist, the national magazine of the American
Library Association. A critic as well as a writer and an editor, she reviews
frequently for The Washington Post , The Chicago Tribune, Newsday and
others; for the last four years, she has served as a member of the board
of the National Book Critics Circle. Recently the writer in residence
at The James Merrill House, she taught last spring at Johns Hopkins University
and at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Work
Francis Raven
Francis Raven is a
graduate student in philosophy at Temple University. His first novel,
Inverted Curvatures, will be published this fall by Spuyten Duyvil.
Poems of his have been published in
Mudlark, Conundrum, Untitled, Pindeldyboz, Big Bridge, Le Petite Zine,
and Can We Have Our Ball Back? Essays and articles of his have
published in Jacket, Clamor, In These Times, The Fulcrum Annual, Rain
Taxi, Sauce, and Pavement Saw. Work
Henry R. Williams
Henry R. Williams was born and raised in the piedmont of North Carolina;
he currently resides and works in New York. His poems have appeared or
are forthcoming from The Southern Humanities Review, Fire
(Oxfordshire), The Brooklyn Review, The Emergency Almanac,
Offerta Speciale (Torino), among others. His new collection Seasons
Smooth & Unperplext is currently in search of a publisher. Work
Emna Zghal
Emna Zghal was born in Tunisia, North Africa. She received her BA from
L'Ecole des Beaux Arts in Tunis and her MFA from the Pennsylvania Academy
of the Fine Arts. Her work has been shown in numerous solo and group exhibitions
in Tunisia, France, USA, Germany, Japan, Kuwait, India, Libya, Lebanon
and Italy. She was part of the 1997 edition of the New Delhi Triennial
and 1995 edition of the Kuwait Biennial. Zghal has received fellowship
residencies and done projects with the Newark Art Museum, The Lower East
Side Print shop, The MacDowell Colony, The Weir Farm Trust, The Vermont
Studio Center, Blue Mountain Center and La Cite Internationale des Arts,
Paris. Emna Zghal's portfolio of prints "The Prophet of Black Folk"
was acquired by The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, New
York Public Library. Work
Scott Zieher was born
and raised in Waukesha, Wisconsin. His poetry has recently appeared online
at Eleven Bulls, Flaneur, Slurrymagazine, and Diagram.
In March, 2003, he and his partner, Andrea Smith, opened ZieherSmith Inc.,
a contemporary art gallery featuring artists in all media and located
in the Chelsea district of Manhattan. Scott won the Emergency Press book
contest in 2004. His book, Virga, was published in January of
2005. Work